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~ Salves are remarkable healing agents--with such simple ingredients. They can be tailor made to specific skin conditions or needs and are safely used by all ages ...and pets, when needed. Too often, Essential Oils are added that irritate some types of skin and are too harsh for babies and can be deadly for pets. However, many consumers expect everything to smell nice--especially if it is "herbal".

I do not add any Scent to my salves, but unlike the baths and teas, because of the salve making process, there is no real natural plant scent in them either. They are basically medicines...they smell neutral, but they are nice natural earth tone colors..dependent on the plants used. I am offering a few different types of salve~

JOINT EASE ~ This is a big seller because everybody has some aches and pains, but also, it works quickly. In commercial salves, "heat" is added in the form of EOs and additives like menthol, but these can burn eyes...and frankly...everyone else then knows you have on a medicinal preparation. Joint pain, injuries and arthritic problems subside with heat, so I suggest after applying and massaging it into the troubled area, to apply a heating pad or a hot towel. This is a softer salve because it may be needed to cover larger areas, so a little goes a long way. However, a 2 minute massage of the salve into the skin enhances healing and loosens tightness, but also allows the oils to sink into the tissues and muscles where it is needed... and not ruin your clothes.
~ Contains: Organic Solomon's Seal, Comfrey Root, Teasel Root, Burdock Root, Knotweed Root, Dandelion Rt and Mullein Root, Pine Tips, Nettles in a base of Jojaba and Olive oils and beeswax. Tincture of Benzoin.
~ JOINT EASE ~ 3oz size SI size ~ $10
~JOINT EASE ~ 2 oz size ~ $7.50

Healing Salve ~ This is the everyday, all purpose bump and cut workhorse. Use it for scratches, rashes, cuts, stings, rough patches. On pets it can be used to prevent chewing, or to sooth "hot spots" or minor wounds. I make two sizes--one for home and one for travel or a first aid kit that is contained in a lip balm dispenser~ Contains~Organic Plantain, Yarrow, Heal All, Calendula. Infused in Jojaba, Shea and Olive oils, Beeswax. Tincture of Benzion.
~ Healing Salve ~ 2 oz ~ $7
~ Healing Salve ~ .33 oz ~ $4

Kid's Bummer Salve ~ This is specifically for babies and small kids--very gentle on tender skin. Excellent for diaper rash, stings, general "ouchies". Easy to rub on baby bums. ~ 3.5 0z ~ Contains~ Organic Calendula infused in Jojaba, Shea and Olive oils, Beeswax and Tincture of Benzion ~ $10