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~ A nice warm bath serves many functions....add herbs, and you have a lovely experience as well. Think of an herbal bath as a "Tea" for your whole body. While relaxing in the tub, your skin and respiratory systems absorb all the healing attributes of the herbs...you come out clean, relaxed, and nourished. Each bath comes with Directions, a muslin bag and scoop so the herbs remain contained..there is nothing relaxing about having to clean plant bits out of the tub----or calling the plumber! The bag can be floated in the tub or hung over the faucet or shower head. Also, all the Baths are contained in Food Grade, cobalt blue, decorative plastic for safety purposes in wet bathrooms.
I offer two types of delightful Herbal Baths:

Invigorating ~ Many stressed out people who are tired feel they need to be pepped up, when really they need to slow down and rest. Still, there are times when we do need a nice pick me up~ 3.5 oz. Enough for 4-5 bath or showers~ Contains Organic: Oats, Lemon Verbena, Rosemary, Ginger, Rose Petals & Celtic Sea Salt~ $11
Relaxing ~ Enjoy, light a candle, nibble some chocolate~ 3.5 oz. Enough for 4-5 baths or showers~ Contains: Organic Oats, Passion Flower, Lavender, Chamomile, Rose Petals, Oat straw & Epsom Salts ~ $11
DISCLAIMER: The content of this web site is not intended to replace the guidance of qualified, certified medical professionals. The author and web hosts of this site do not take responsibility for viewers' health decisions. Views and information presented here are meant to be educational in nature only and not to diagnose or prescribe. Visitors to this site must take full responsibility for their health care and dietary choices.